
After logging in, you will see this page. This page will show you your github average and stats. The place on the right side of the profile will give you the details of your 3 most recent transactions. You can go to your recent commits by clicking on them.

You can learn how averages are calculated by reading the ToolTip boxes.


Achievements are not related to github. We give them according to their stats. You can click on these badges to find out exactly what they are based on and what average they are based on.

Badges are not parmament

If you try to obtain these badges in different ways by taking advantage of the Open, you will be permanently banned from git.cow.

If you lose that monthly stats, the badge will also be taken away from you. This is for you to actively improve yourself and keep track of yourself. Permanent badges are currently 2 pieces. These are [Bug Hunter - First Member] badges. If these are given to you, they cannot be taken back.

Last updated